Thursday, October 14, 2010

What are you going to do about your car in Five Years?

I am not for the protecting the status quo. It's not about women's rights, it's not about slavery, it's not about winning an argument and it's not about jobs. It's about extending the time we can be here, the quality of our lives while we are and advancing the science that will allow us to do so. When a respected Emeritus Professor, such as Hal Lewis resigns from the American Physical Society over it, that should be like a flag on the play.
Look at the Aptera, GE charging station technology, pedal powered rail pod commuting, hydrogen fuel cells, bio diesel. Realistic and Sustainable.
These technologies are on they way and a lot of those jobs are already online or coming online soon...but Al Gore has been targeting 5 years to ELIMINATE fossil fuels and petroleum products?!
Are you really ready, personally, to do what that takes?
Think carefully about that. I challenge you eliminate 100% of fossil fuels from your life in that time frame without making some pretty dramatic lifestyle changes. If you can stick with a plan that will get you there by 2015 I am truly impressed.
How do you dispose of your compact fluorescent bulbs? Did you know that they contain so much hazardous material that Environment Canada has a whole section of their website devoted to the HazMat procedures to follow if you break a CFL? Check it out someday...the procedure includes protective equipment and proper ventilation guidelines. What are you going to do about your car, how will you refrigerate your food, will you readily pay the taxes to complete the switch from coal and petroleum power generation to hydro...or is wind better..maybe solar or nuclear? We don't yet have a clear idea what to replace fossil fuels with. If you can see your life without fossil fuels within 5 years, my learned friend, you are far more accepting of change than the rest of North America. Frito Lay introduced a "fossil fuel" free chip bag for "Sun Chips" and discontinued it shortly after their Customers stopped buying them because the bags "made too much noise" and "crinkled too much". The depth with which fossil fuels have penetrated our lives is quite extensive. Plastics..foams..lubricants...fabrics...I am sure you are intelligent enough that I need not go on.
As for whether global warming exists or doesn't, how fast it's happening and whether humans are even capable of affecting it and the alarmist attitudes of gas guzzling hypocrites like Al Gore...remember that his "Documentary"(?), 'An Inconvenient Truth' in which he states the "Facts" of global warming, has been ruled against in Court as being scientifically Inaccurate on nine key points.
But maybe you're right. Maybe it is a moot point that doesn't matter and maybe there is no sense in debating it. Maybe we won't learn anything further. Personally I do not believe we have come to a standstill.

My point is, we do need to move forward to more sustainable options...I have been writing about it since 1979. But I feel we need to do so in an environmentally and socially responsible way, an educated way with a forward view...every battery and new will need to be disposed of someday too.
It's not what you advocate, what did you DO today for the environment?

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