Thursday, December 18, 2014

Your Interview has been cancelled

Did Sony do the right thing in cancelling 'The Interview'?

Yes they did. If only from a liability standpoint. All it would take is one 'self radicalized' goofball shooting at theatregoers to bring out the Monday morning pundits saying "I told you so" and lawyers saying "you were warned".
Although I defend their right to make and distribute it, a bit of a line was crossed by using a living world leader. Even Charlie Chaplin , Team America World Police and Borat vaguely disguised the bad guy in their satire. Rogan poked the bear in the eye. I'm surprised that the script passed first draft without an eyebrow being raised.
That and, have you seen a Seth Rogan movie lately? Not very good.
It probably would've left them in the hole anyway, like Disney and the Lone Ranger.

At least now they have a controversy to gain sales as a cult film.

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