Friday, January 27, 2012

I see You in your words.

I understand abbreviations when it comes to text messaging and twitter where you have only 140 characters to get a message across. 
I don't understand the complete bastardization of the English language on Facebook statuses though. It is getting ridiculous.
The new character limit on a Facebook status is 63, can fit the script of Bambi will fit in a Facebook status now...almost twice. At 62,270 characters total, the last THREE episodes of the Friends television show can fit into Facebook's character limit. And some of the 'abbreviations', aren't.
Some examples. Heightz..prolly.. meh instead of my...has more letters... It'z instead of it's... No saving's has the same number of characters AND IS ALREADY AN ABBREVIATION!

Goez ahead and hatez awaii...

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