Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New! Friggin' Laser Etched Corn Flakes (tm)

Am I alone in thinking this is...uhhh...misdirected or does this sound like responsible spending?

Kellogg's...I don't think you have anything to brag about this time.

We give our money to Kellogg's so they can spend it (no doubt in the maxi-millions) on R&D to develop the technology that can individually laser etch logos onto Corn Flakes?

Bookmark this for the day they look for a bailout...I'd have been a more satisfied Customer by trusting that the "KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES" box contained "KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES" and then a charitable act or donation or a reduction in price (probably a prime driving factor towards increased off-brand purchases) of the already "size-reduced" packaging than insult my intelligence with yet another branding reminder.

"Kellogg's has developed a hi-tech method to stamp out imitation cereals - by branding Corn Flakes with the company logo.

The new technology enables the firm - which makes 67 million boxes of Corn Flakes every year - to burn the famous signature onto individual flakes using lasers...inserting a proportion of branded flakes into each box to guarantee the cereal's origins and protect against imitation products.

The laser uses a concentrated beam of light which focuses the energy within the beam, down to a very small spot on the Corn Flake...galvanometers are then used to steer the beam creating multiple vectors that reflect the laser from different angles and ultimately make up the image...a darker, toasted appearance without changing the taste.

Kellogg's embarked on the project to reinforce that they don't make cereals for any other companies and to fire a shot across the bows of makers of 'fake flakes'.

''We want shoppers to be under absolutely no our golden flakes of corn an official stamp of approval could be the answer...''

The company also released figures which show sales of Kellogg's Corn Flakes have risen in 2009 as shoppers with limited budgets opt for recognised, reliable brands."

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